April Fools Day today!!!
As I was younger, we did a few pranks to my teachers like switching the classroom, telling my teacher that his zipper was down,,, . Fun.
But as a teacher now, my students do pranks to me on April fools day.
Do you have any fun pranks you have had ever ?
I agree with you. I have same idea like you. The most priority number one would be a nmy children among my family.
Of course, I love my husband. But there's nothing to compare to my children. I think most of mothers would think like me.
Yes, I have. Actually not I. We(our classmates and I ) have.
When I was a middle school student,
there was a very arrogant female teachers who usually called us "You, idiots!". Almost all the students didn't like her. So on an April fools day, we painted the side of all the desks with chalk and made her skirt chalk-stained.
And we didn't feel guilty. Because she didn't treat us well first.
Unfortunately no. I was so shy that I never deamed of doing pranks to anyone. When I was a girls'high school teacher, I was asked some silly questions like "절 좋아하세요?" I didn't say any words...so embarressed...
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